Translations by Deepl.PRO and Grammarly

The medium is the message.
OFF? is an installation composed of a home structure in glass and aluminium, in which a 100 cm x 100 cm x 1.4 cm lightbox conceived for the Amsterdam Light Festival has been set up. The habitat is the container for the artistic experience. The glass structure allows the people inside to be observed. The environment is equipped with motion sensors and a time connected to the lighting and the lightbox. As the visitors enter one at a time, the habitat switches from on to off in just a few timed seconds, creating the discomfort of darkness, after which the lightbox with the writing OFF? Switches on.

The light is the message.
The objective of this artistic intervention is to make light, which requires a brief interval of abstaining from this medium to appreciate its benefits of beauty and warmth. We are so used to light that we do not truly consider its importance unless we are deprived of it and in the dark—an unsettling state for many of us.

The visitors enter a bright environment and suddenly find themself in the dark, as if in a blackout. The suspension of light stops time and the perception of space. Only when the lightbox is switched on is the order restored. The cosmos returns, provided that there is light. Of? How many people would like to be in the dark? The public can realise that the interrupted current was not accidental but a conscious, voluntary act to make light and safeguard it from improper consumption.

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